I’m pretty sure he was an Irish Methodist minister, family search is 2MGL-2LJ.
Family Search had a source for his christening from the obituary of his nephew, William Nelson Ford in the St Marys Argus, 19 May 1910
Known Info
- Birthyear
- 1780-1786
- Birthplace
- Fermanagh
- Marriage Year
- Anytime
- Marriage Place
- Anywhere
- Childrens' Birthyears
- 1810-1820
- Childrens' Birthplaces
- Belfast
- Death Year
- 1877-1877
- Death Place
- Anywhere
- Preferred Research Tip Type
- LDS oriented, Meta Tip, Nearby, Online, Original, Official Documents, Paid Subscription, Pay-per-use, Under 30 minutes, Under 5 minutes
Work Done
Inspect sources in family search
Found Missing Info
Work To-Do
Contact Local familysearch.org Family History Consultants
You can find contact info for local Family History consultants on familysearch.org, who can help you with your research in-person, via phone and email. To do this, Go go familysearch.org Sign In, if you aren't already (button in the top-right corner) Click "Get Help" (button also in the top-right corner)… Read More...
Start a discussion on the Individual in Family Search
It can be helpful to start a discussion in family search, asking for help in researching information on an individual. Others may be watching that individual too, and may be able to help. To start a discussion in Family Search, log into familysearch.org website (note: at the time of writing,… Read More...
Inspect sources in family search
If your ancestor is listed in familysearch.org, chances are there are some sources attached to them about their birth, death, etc. Sometimes the details on the sources give you some other clues. Eg, the source on the person's birth might be from a relative's obituary. That relative might already be… Read More...
Google it
When using http://Google.com to search for family history data, here are a few tips to bear in mind: record what search terms you tried (eg "John Nelson Ireland reverend") in deadeasyfamilyhistory.org, or wherever you keep track of your research progress (this way you'll remember what you already tried) also record the urls… Read More...
Use Ancestry.com's record hints
Ancestry.com can give you automatic record hints (e.g. suggesting a birth certificate for one of your ancestors) without you doing nearly anything. To get their automatic record hints, you just need to sign up for ancestry.com and enter as much of your family tree as you know. After that, ancestry.com… Read More...
I searched for "William Nelson Ford" (mentioned as john's nephew) in family search family tree, who I found. He was the son of Ann Nelson, brother of John Nelson. And it actually turned out their father was already in FamilySearch family tree: Charles Nelson. No name for their mother though. Also related: in family search, John's sister, Ann, had a source for her son's death certificate and link to findagrave.com with a picture of her grave