Old school research forms help validate site purpose

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I received some feedback* recently pointing me to on ancestry.com’s research charts and forms.

These forms are pretty old school (you can’t even fill in a word document on your computer, you actually need to print them off). But they give some validation on this site’s purpose: they’re tools for helping to organize your research, just like deadeasyfamilyhistory.

The research calendar and research extract forms are especially similar: there are spaces for recording where you looked and what you found. 

I’m not sure how relevant for fields for “repository call number/microfilm number” or “file number” are though. They apply well if you’re searching in microfiches and libraries. I think that was accurate 20 years ago, but nowadays there’s a lot more online tools to which those fields don’t apply.

But still, maybe having a place to describe how to tip was used, and when, and extra spaces for when you apply a tip multiple times but with different search parameters, might be good.

If anybody else has great ideas please comment!
*feedback was from Doug Rider’s wife. I met Doug while attending WordCamp Vancouver 2016.

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